5th November is Guy Fawkes Night (or Bonfire Night) in the UK (Guy Fawkes=name of man who tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament and the king some time in the 17th Century. It's a strange event to commemorate, but there are a lot of strange people here.) It's a festival which we celebrate with fire and fireworks. Sevenoaks had its Bonfire Night Festival on 6th November and Shun and I joined in. There were a lot of people and we all carried flaming torches and walked up the main road to a big field. In the field was a huge fire (bonfire) which we all threw our torches onto (perhaps quite a dangerous action - but nobody cared!). Then there was a really good fireworks display (with truly terrible pop music accompaniment). When the fireworks had finished, Shun and I decided to follow this exciting old British festival with some traditional Chinese food (Guy Fawkes' favourite, I'm sure)
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