Last weekend was lovely. Friday evening we saw "Alice in Wonderland" - very beautiful and いい雰囲気でもat the end there was a horrible Avril Lavigne song だから雰囲気はすぐなくなちゃった。ざんねんだ。
Saturday morning, had a yummy breakfast in a cafe in Sevenoaks. Lovely coffee!

Saturday afternoon, went to the beautiful V&A museum in the BIG CITY OF LONDON (exciting), and then drank delicious sherry with my friend Vicky (しゅんちゃんは一人でうちで夕ご飯を食べた。しょうがない。)

Sunday afternoon, went for a walk in Knole Park, very near our little house. Knole House is a very big, very very old house (for rich people!). Now, people can visit it (it belongs to the National Trust) and outside is a beautiful, natural park - with deer (like Japan's Nara!) 建物はすごく美しいと思う。

I love Knole Park because it looks quite wild! そこで散歩がきもちいよ!上のしゃしんはごめん。公園で辺な日本の男の人を見ちゃった。
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