Hello Japan!
So sorry - recently not very organized so I keep forgetting to blog! This week, Shun is going back to Japan for a while so we are a little busy preparing for his trip. 来週からいいbloggerになるよ!みんなげんき?私はげんきです。天気はよくなった。夏ぽい。気持ちいい。:)
Part-Time Shop Girl

The weather is terrible! Today is like February - grey skies, cold, unbelievable.
Last week we had a general election. The horrible Conservatives got most seats but not enough to make a government, so now there a lots of "discussions" (arguments) between the main parties. Very depressing. Bad British weather and bad British politics - a horrible combination. I have to read a lot of fiction to escape!
Hello friends in Japan! So sorry I haven't blogged for a while. Last week was a little busy so I forgot to blog! Last Wednesday I applied for a part-time job in a clothes shop in Sevenoaks. Today I had an interview and got the job. Hooray! It is only 4 or 5 hours a day and very low pay, but the staff seem very friendly and I can walk there! Maybe tomorrow I'll take a photo of the shop to show you (it's not very exciting). It's part-time so I still have time for my writing every day, so I'm very happy about it.
On Saturday, Shun and I went to our friends' (Simon and Kate's) wedding. I know Simon because I worked with him at the cinema museum a long time ago. He still works there and the wedding party was at the museum so it looked really cool. Lots of film equipment and old movie posters everywhere. The food was lovely, the music (a French Chanson band) was great and we had a really good time chatting and eating and dancing. Many congratulations to lovely Simon and Kate!

Saturday was the last day of good weather :( Since then, it has become quite cold again. Why? Why? Why? それがイギリスです。がまんします。On Sunday, we had a big family lunch, which was great. Aunts, uncles, cousins. Baby Edie was the star attraction (again). She can now say, 「バババババババババババババンンンンンババババババ」The sad thing is, we all listen to her.
On Saturday, Shun and I went to our friends' (Simon and Kate's) wedding. I know Simon because I worked with him at the cinema museum a long time ago. He still works there and the wedding party was at the museum so it looked really cool. Lots of film equipment and old movie posters everywhere. The food was lovely, the music (a French Chanson band) was great and we had a really good time chatting and eating and dancing. Many congratulations to lovely Simon and Kate!
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